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发布时间:2018-10-17 00:53:17 所属栏目:外闻 来源:21ic电子网
导读:副标题#e# 【51CTO技术沙龙】10月27日,让我们共同探索AI场景化应用实现之道 刚从硬件跳槽为嵌软时,没有任何一丝的准备。一入职,领导就交代了一项特难的任务在stm32上移植linux! 瞬间我就懵了,没办法硬着头皮上吧,先搜集资料,我之前跑的是ok6410的板子

If you already have your own initramfs_data.cpio.gz file (because you created it yourself, or saved the cpio.gz file produced by a previous kernel build), you can point CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE at it and the kernel build will autodetect the file type and link it into the resulting kernel image.


